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25 ноября 2022 г. — 25 ноября 2022 г., срок заявок: 25 ноября 2022 г.

Международная научно-практическая конференция «International Conference on Advances in Environment Research»

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Испания, Мадрид (издание включено в: eLibrary.ru)

Форма участия: заочная

Язык информации: Русский

К участию в конференции приглашаются молодые ученые (до 35 лет): преподаватели вузов, научные работники, аспиранты, магистранты, студенты, педагогические работники образовательных учреждений, общественные деятели и лица, проявляющие интерес к рассматриваемым вопросам.

Официальные языки конференции: русский, украинский, английский, казахский, татарский и др.

1. education, equality and development
2. education for inclusion and citizenship
3. disability and inclusion in international contexts
4. marginalised children, youth and adults’ participation in education
5. urban and rural education
6. human rights and international education
7. securitizaition, surveillance and youth studies
8. disadvantaged youth
9. peace and conflict studies in education
10. migration and refugee studies in education
11. educational leadership and policy
12. evaluation and strategies for educational change
13. pedagogy, language and culture in education
14. pedagogy and empowerment
15. psychology and education
16. science, technology and education
17. education management and administration gender studies
18. gender theory
19. gender, race and nation
20. leadership, ethics and democracy
21. psychology of women
22. ethno-cultural issues
23. global diversity
24. women, employment and society
25. social stratification and inequality
26. violence
social justice and sociology
27. contemporary social problems
28. comparative societies
29. social and gender stratification
30. media, society and identity
31. public health concepts
32. sociology and criminology
33. women and crime
34. family violence
35. art

interdisciplinary environment studies
36. principles of environmental health
37. the world environment, humans and society
38. conservation and sustainability of environmental resources
39. environmental policy and management
40. integrated environmental assessment methodologies
41. geospatial technologies and their use
42. disaster management
43. environmental law and ethics
44. environmental economics
45. environmental psychology
46. gender, environment and development

47. ancient, medieval and modern philosophy
48. analytical philosophy
49. philosophy of religion
50. political philosophy
51. philosophy of law and

52. ethics and good life
53. environmental ethics; medical ethics; business ethics
54. minds, machines and cognition
55. logic and symbolic logic

business, regional studies and law
56. urban policy and state practices on social justice and their impact
57. sustainable urban development
58. sustainable energy and urban transportation
59. spatial analysis
60. urban lives and social change
61. urban, regional and community governance
62. historic preservation policy and architectural analysis
63. solid waste management
64. infrastructure and urban systems
65. build environment and child development
66. economics, finance & accounting
67. business studies
68. justice
69. constitutional and administrative law
70. employment law research and development
71. science, technology, engineering and maths
72. science for sustainable development
73. environmental science
74. matter, materials and metallurgy
75. natural and synthetic products and processes
biology and biodiversity
76. sustainable agriculture and organic farming; green agricultural technology
77. statistics
78. computation, modelling and simulation
79. medicine, life-science, biomedicines
80. pharmacy
81. mechanical, electrical, electronics and information technology public-private partnerships

mechanical & industrial engineering
82. avionics
83. computer integrated
84. manufacturing
85. design and manufacturing engineering
86. industrial and systems engineering
87. materials science and engineering
88. mechatronics and automation operations research production planning and control
89. textile and leather technology
90. total quality management

91. biophysics
92. classical physics
93. acoustics
94. fluid dynamics
95. geophysics
96. quantum physics
97. thermodynamics
98. theoretical physics
99. mathematical methods
100. classical mechanics
101. quantum mechanics
102. classical electrodynamics
103. solid state
104. electronics
105. atomic spectroscopy
106. nuclear physics chemistry
107. analytical chemistry
108. biochemistry
109. inorganic chemistry
110. materials chemistry
111. neurochemistry
112. nuclear chemistry
113. organic chemistry
114. physical chemistry
115. chemical thermodynamics
116. chemical kinetics
117. electrochemistry
118. statistical mechanics
119. spectroscopy
120. astrochemistry
121. theoretical chemistry
122. organic spectroscopy
123. organic synthesis

124. accessing and constructing digital information
125. cloud computing
126. communication networks and security
127. computer organization and architecture
128. digital communication and online communities
129. information systems and software engineering
130. network management
131. signal processing
132. software engineering
133. web technologies

civil engineering
134. bridge and tunnel engineering
135. building energy conservation and green architecture
136. geotechnical engineering
137. high-rise structure and largespan structure
138. modern trends in civil engineering
139. municipal engineering
140. structural engineering
141. surveying
142. transportation engineering
143. water resource engineering management
144. business communication
145. business mathematics and statistics
146. e-business technologies
147. enterprise resource planning
148. financial and management accounting
149. financial management
150. human resource management
151. marketing management
152. production management
153. retail management

oil, gas, energy & mining engineering
154. drilling and completion technology
155. energy demand and supply
156. energy sector opportunities and challenges
157. environmental & health aspects
158. geomechanics
159. geoscience
160. metal mining
161. mining methods and machinery
162. resource utilization issues
163. surveying, mine planning and systems engineering

life sciences, medical and health sciences
164. bioinformatics
165. biomaterials
166. biomedical science
167. developmental biology
168. environmental science
169. evolutionary biology
170. evolutionary genetics
171. food science
172. genomics
173. medical and health sciences
174. nanomaterial science
175. sports science
176. structural biology
177. systems biology
178. zoology
Конференция проводится в дистанционной форме в онлайн-режиме (подробнее о формате конференции- http://scipro.ru/conference_format.html).

1. Заполнить заявку автора. (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfn-33IZeE-HiHDi8bMnfjqQ1LZS8x1FabGfJCIU2GXO114pA/viewform если заявка не открывается, то сведения об авторах можно отправить на электронный адрес mail@scipro.ru или scipro.ru@gmail.com)
2. Отправить файл со статьей по электронной почте по адресу: mail@scipro.ru или scipro.ru@gmail.com
3. Дождаться ответа редакции и оплатить участие в конференции и сообщить об оплате.

Организационный взнос составляет 1200 рублей за публикацию статьи объемом 3-20 страниц (стоимость не за страницу текста, а за статью).
В стоимость публикации входит:
1) публикация в электронном сборнике материалов конференции;
2) размещение материалов конференции в elibrary;
3) размещение в Google Scholar;
4) электронный сертификат участника конференции;
5) справка-подтверждение, справка о внедрении, благодарность руководителю по запросу участника;
6) программа конференции;
7) участие в конкурсе научных статей;
8) дипломы победителям конкурса, а участникам, не занявшим первые места – дипломы лауреатов конкурса.

При обращении к организаторам мероприятия обязательно ссылайтесь на сайт «Конференции.ru» как на источник информации.

Последний день подачи заявки: 25 ноября 2022 г. (приём заявок закончен)

Организаторы: НОО «Профессиональная наука»

Контактная информация: Тел.: +7 (962) 508-74-02

Эл. почта: mail@scipro.ru

Приложения: Подробнее

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